It might be cold, but it sure is pretty

29 01 2008

The blowing snow has cleared and downtown reappeared, but Downtown Edmonton with fogit’s still Really Fucking Cold (I’m pretty certain that’s the official classification on some obscure temperature scale — possibly Fahrenheit). One consequence of the cold is that all the buildings downtown are working overtime to stay warm, and as a result are venting massive amounts of steam. At night, the steam catches the lights and looks gorgeous; tonight this was combined with ice fog off the river which made for a big glowing mess of soft light.

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-47 and counting

28 01 2008

Environment Canada is telling me it’s -31 Downtown Edmonton in a snowstormdegrees outside right now (noonish), with a wind chill of -47. On a completely unrelated topic, it’s 27 degrees right now in Denpasar, Bali. For your viewing pleasure, to the left is a picture of exactly the opposite of what Bali looks like right now. In fact, it’s what downtown Edmonton looks like. Except for the fact that you can’t actually see downtown Edmonton through all the snow. Click on the thumbnail for a more complete view of nothing.

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