Lighting Photos Revisited

22 07 2008

Lightning over Telus buildingLast time I tried taking pictures of lightning in any kind of decent storm they didn’t turn out very well. This time, instead of having a little P&S camera, I was prepared with my CanonLightning over Alberta Legislature 40D. With the help of the sky-darkening ominous clouds, it gets dark early enough now that by the time the 9:00 storm rolled around I could take long exposures, which is always helpful when trying to photograph lightning. That, and it wasn’t actually raining here, so there was nothing to obscure my view. In the end I managed to collect 27 pictures with good amounts of lightning, a few of which were quite spectacular. Of course, it always helps to have the provincial legislature in the foreground as well.

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3 responses

30 07 2008

Great pictures! I normally only take pictures of the moon, sunn, etc… but I have dabbled a little bit with lightning… I use a Canon 350D – what kind of settings do you use?

30 07 2008

Thanks! For these I used my laptop as a cable release, set to continuously take pictures. It was fairly dark outside so I was able to use an exposure of 6 seconds at f/6.3 and ISO 100. There was actually so much lightning in this storm that I took a few sample shots before these to get the exposure set properly. In total I was able to keep 27 decent pictures, all taken in a 22 minute window, which is way more lighting than I have ever been able to catch in the past.

11 11 2010

This is absolutely outstanding. Well done!!!

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